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Amusing and Poignant Anecdotes, Insights and Vignettes

by Marilyn Safran


Available as a soft back and Kindle version from Amazon CLICK HERE . The paperback is $10 and Kindle version $7.


A collection of amusing and poignant anecdotes, Day Basis infuses these vignettes with insights gleaned from raising a family (first in the U.S. but mostly in Israel) and pursuing an exciting and fulfilling career in software engineering and bioinformatics. Major themes include emigrating to Israel – with all the attendant conflicts of leaving aging parents and irreplaceable siblings behind in the 'old country. ' Another challenge was finding a community of similar Anglos, while integrating into the Israeli scientific and high-tech work environments. The characters are loosely modeled after family members and friends (names changed), with a dose of poetic license.

Most chapter titles are based on distinctive expressions and idioms used and often coined by the author's mother of blessed memory. She was a Holocaust survivor of Czechoslovakian/Hungarian background – a very intelligent woman who, in her later years, suffered from Alzheimer’s disease. Some of her expressions were tactful; others, not exactly. The title of the book, Day Basis, was chosen because she often used this phrase, as did the extended family after a while. It indicates the helplessness and helpfulness of dealing with difficult issues one day at a time, by harnessing one's individual strengths and sense of humor to overcome life's challenges.

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